
The Void


The Void

An interactive news identifier game that challenges our sense-making in a time of fake news

Group assignment with Jonas Fries
MSc Design in Linköping University, 2019


Fake news is a global phenomenon, many fabricated stories are posed as serious journalism, and these disinformations may have far-reaching consequences.

'The Void' is an interactive game to make the fake news phenomenon more palpable. The game challenges the users’ sense-making. It is designed to be installed in a museum setting, to inform and initiate a dialogue on the authenticity of the news.

The game allows the user to look for a topic of their interest through voice search, and they have to determine whether it is 'Real' or 'Fake'. The 'Fake' news articles are generated by artificial intelligence as a demonstration to question the ethics of AI.

A video is created to depict this design concept (Vimeo password: thevoid).